




Using third-party accounts to log in (Facebook, Google, Office 365)




新萄新京十大正规网站的单点登录系统建立在标准的微软技术上,并定期更新, 符合行业最佳实践, to improve performance and mitigate security threats.

当您注册创建您的SSO帐户时, you have the option of using an external service (Google, Facebook or Volunteer Office 365) for authentication, so you will not need to create a separate password with the 新萄新京十大正规网站. 另外, 您可以选择使用您的电子邮件地址和密码(必须符合新萄新京十大正规网站的安全要求)登录。.

仅适用于新萄新京十大正规网站同事: 一旦您注册了您的帐户, 请向IT服务台提出申请,要求加入员工组.



用户可以选择登录选项, which include the use of email address or social accounts (Office 365, Facebook和谷歌.

新萄新京十大正规网站 members can also opt for two-factor authentication, which will provide an additional layer of security for their 新萄新京十大正规网站 account.

A self-service portal enables you to manage your email address, 社交登录选项, 双因素身份验证和密码.

以及我们的主要网站vvkcma.feelinfly.net, 您还可以使用您的帐户访问其他新萄新京十大正规网站平台,包括:ADAMS, 职业经理, 数字图书馆, 教育, 电, 事件, 新萄新京十大正规网站EngX, 新萄新京十大正规网站.tv, 收集 Direct, and the 新萄新京十大正规网站注册 Review Process System (RPS).

请注意,志愿者使用的某些新萄新京十大正规网站系统,包括Adestra, Event webform, Plus! 事件, OpenWater和营销工具包, are not currently included and require separate login accounts.



You must log in using the same method you chose when you registered.

If you opted to log in using your email address and a password,如果需要,您可以重置密码. 点击“忘记密码”?” link in the login form and follow the instructions given.

If you chose to use a social media account (Facebook, 谷歌或Office 365), 请检查您是否已在第三方网站上登录您所选择的帐户, then select the appropriate option in the 新萄新京十大正规网站 login form.

Since we launched our current SSO (single sign-on) system in June 2019, your username must be an email address to which you have access.

如果您在此更改后没有登录过,则需要注册新系统. 如果你是新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站, 请使用您的新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站号注册:点击链接“使用新萄新京十大正规网站号注册”或查看下面的说明.



I’ve lost access to my email account or phone number. 我该怎么办??

我们的 新萄新京十大正规网站服务小组 可以帮助你重新控制你的新萄新京十大正规网站账户,他们需要问你一些安全问题来确认你的身份.


我忘记密码了. 我该怎么办??


你会被要求输入你的电子邮件地址, and then enter the verification code sent to that address, 才能更新密码.

我们需要复杂的密码(至少12个字符), 包括字母组合, 数字和特殊字符),符合美国国家标准与技术研究所的建议, 帮助保护您的个人信息.

I'm trying to reset my password, but my email address is not recognised

Could you have registered with a different email address? Or did you register using a third-party account (Facebook, 谷歌或Office 365)? 请在新葡新京十大正规网站之前检查这些选项. 您必须始终以相同的方式登录您的帐户(通过电子邮件和密码或使用您的第三方帐户)。.

Your account will have lapsed if you haven't logged in since 19th June 2019. 在这种情况下,您需要重新注册. If you're an 新萄新京十大正规网站 member, please register using your 新萄新京十大正规网站 membership number. 这将允许您安全地访问您的成员记录(您现有的所有首选项和权限将被保留)。. Follow the links to "register using membership number".


I’m an 新萄新京十大正规网站 member, but I can’t see my membership record when logged in

This is most likely because you are logged in with a non-member account. It may be that you have registered more than one account.

If you can’t access your membership record (via My新萄新京十大正规网站) when logged in, please 新葡新京十大正规网站的新萄新京十大正规网站服务团队. You’ll need to answer some security questions to confirm your identity; 请准备好您的新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站号码.

How do I contact the 新萄新京十大正规网站 about problems with logging in?

新葡新京十大正规网站的新萄新京十大正规网站服务团队. You’ll need to answer some security questions to confirm your identity; if you're an 新萄新京十大正规网站 member, 请准备好您的新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站号码.




如果你没有账户, 如果你想加入新萄新京十大正规网站,你需要注册, 预定参加我们的活动, contribute to a discussion or buy a book on our website.

To begin, click on the Register button on the start page at vvkcma.feelinfly.net/login

如果您已经是新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站,请按照链接注册您的新萄新京十大正规网站号码. This will allow you to access details of your membership once logged in. 您需要输入您的新萄新京十大正规网站号码, 姓名和出生日期, 将您的帐户链接到您的新萄新京十大正规网站记录.

You’ll next need to choose how you want to log in to your new account.

  • 如果您选择使用您的电子邮件地址登录, 我们将发送给您一个验证码,您必须输入验证码以确认您拥有该地址.

  • 一旦您验证了您的电子邮件地址(只要该地址尚未注册), 你可以添加一个密码,当你登录你的新萄新京十大正规网站账户时,你将使用这个密码.

  • 新萄新京十大正规网站 members will also have the option to enable two-factor authentication for extra security (see below for more details); this is not mandatory and can be skipped.

  • You can choose instead to use an existing social media account (Facebook, Google或Office365)登录新萄新京十大正规网站. 选择您的首选选项并登录第三方网站继续您的注册.

确认您选择的登录方法后, 您将被要求提供您的姓名并同意营销通信(新萄新京十大正规网站跳过此步骤), 因为我们已经掌握了这些信息).

This completes your registration; click the Continue button on the confirmation page to return to the 新萄新京十大正规网站 website.



I’ve submitted my email address, but didn’t receive the verification code

请 check the Spam or Junk folder in your email client. You can also request another code (click the “Send new code” button).



I’m trying to register, but I see the error message “You are already registered”

如果系统找到与您的新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站号码匹配的现有帐户,则会显示此消息, 或者您输入的电子邮件地址.

如果您已输入新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站号码,并看到“您已注册”的讯息。, 请不要尝试创建新帐户. If you cannot retrieve your login details (see above), please 联系新萄新京十大正规网站服务团队.

如果你是一个非新萄新京十大正规网站,有一个现有的帐户, 您必须使用注册时选择的选项(电子邮件地址和密码)登录, 或者使用第三方账户——Facebook, 谷歌或Office 365). 请参阅上面的登录帮助.




注册您的帐户时, 你可以选择使用你的Facebook, 使用Google或Office 365帐号登录新萄新京十大正规网站. 然后,每次登录时都必须使用所选择的方法(如果将来需要更改的话), 您只能通过新葡新京十大正规网站(见下文).




我没有社交媒体账号. 我该怎么办??



Can I set up more than one way of logging in to my account?

No, once your preferred method of logging in has been set up, in future this will be the way that you will access your 新萄新京十大正规网站 account. 如果你因为任何原因需要更改这个,请 联系新萄新京十大正规网站服务团队.



我是志愿者办公室365账户的新萄新京十大正规网站, 哪个已经启用了双因素身份验证. Do I need to set two-factor authentication for my 新萄新京十大正规网站 account as well?

If you are an 新萄新京十大正规网站 volunteer with a Volunteer Office 365 account, 我们建议您在注册帐户时选择这种登录方式. 您不需要选择双因素认证,因为这已经作为您的Volunteer Office 365登录的一部分启用了.


我注册了我的新萄新京十大正规网站志愿者办公室365帐户,但我不再有权访问这个帐户. 我该怎么办??

联系新萄新京十大正规网站服务团队 谁能帮上忙.


I am not a volunteer but I have my own Office 365 account. 我可以用这个登录我的新萄新京十大正规网站账户吗?

是的. Simply select Office 365 as your login method when registering.




Also called multi-factor authentication (MFA) or two-step authentication, 双因素身份验证是一个附加功能, 仅供新萄新京十大正规网站新萄新京十大正规网站选择加入服务, which provides an extra layer of security for your account. 当你登录你的账户时, a one-time verification code is generated and sent to your mobile number, which you must then enter to complete the login process.

对于新萄新京十大正规网站成员来说,双因素身份验证是完全可选的:它可以在注册时设置, 或随后透过My新萄新京十大正规网站网址 vvkcma.feelinfly.net/my (select the “MyDetails” tab and follow the link to “Edit 登录 Details”).



I’d like to set up two-factor authentication, but I don’t have a mobile phone.

Two-factor authentication can also be set up using a preferred telephone number, so you can receive your verification code by telephone call.


If I’m using single sign on, will the system keep me logged in?

Your login session will automatically expire after one hour of inactivity.




If you opt to use your Facebook or Google account to verify your user details, 一些信息从登录提供程序传递到新萄新京十大正规网站(发生这种情况时会提示您). The 新萄新京十大正规网站 does not send any data to the login provider, who only knows that the user has linked their identity to an 新萄新京十大正规网站 account.

If you’ve chosen to opt in for two-factor authentication, 我们将要求最少数量的数据(名称), 电子邮件地址和手机或电话号码,用于发送您的一次性密码,仅用于为您提供双因素认证


符合GDPR要求, 在本系统新葡新京十大正规网站时所使用的个人资料,不会用作营销用途. 请注意,如果您更改了用于登录的电子邮件地址,SSO系统将不会更新您的电子邮件地址,以便与新萄新京十大正规网站通信. This information is only used to provide you with a secure login to our websites. 如果您更改了登录的电子邮件地址, please remember to also update your contact information in My新萄新京十大正规网站.




To update your personal details with us, please visit My新萄新京十大正规网站 at vvkcma.feelinfly.net/my


如果您更改了登录的电子邮件地址, 请记得在My新萄新京十大正规网站中更新您的联系信息(除非您希望为登录和新萄新京十大正规网站通信保留单独的电子邮件地址)。.
