

  • 在线安全法案在保护虚拟现实和虚拟世界的实时活动方面存在重大差距,对在线安全产生巨大影响
  • 超过90%的家长对让孩子在无人监督的情况下通过VR探索虚拟世界感到不舒服

New research from industry-leading experts at the Institution of Engineering and Technology (新萄新京十大正规网站)预测,下一代人一生中将花大约10年的时间在虚拟现实中——大约每天2小时45分钟[i]

这一数字支持了新萄新京十大正规网站开创性的新报告“保护虚拟世界”,该报告探讨了新数字领域的机遇和潜在危害,该报告于今天发布,与英国政府新的在线安全法案在议会的最新阅读一致. The report is 凯瑟琳·艾伦合著, Limina Immersive和Verity McIntosh, 西英格兰大学.


Despite the ‘metaverse’ being a relatively new term, it’s clear a new virtual reality is on the horizon. Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg has stated his goal of achieving one billion users by 2030, 谷歌和微软等硅谷巨头也在继续在这一领域进行投资和创新.

然而, 新萄新京十大正规网站的新研究显示,近三分之二(62%)的5-10岁孩子的父母目前不了解虚拟世界, highlighting the need to safeguard this new space.

然而,, despite the lack of understanding and – importantly – regulation, Brits are already beginning to explore this new online world. In 2021, the percentage of UK adults who had experienced VR more than doubled, rising from 10% in January 2021 to 22% in December 2021 (research by Limina Immersive, 如报告所述).

而且, 根据新萄新京十大正规网站的研究, 在5 - 10岁的孩子中,超过五分之一(21%)的人已经拥有了自己的虚拟现实头盔,或者在生日或圣诞节时要求获得类似的科技礼物. 15% of them have already tried VR, and 6% use it on a regular basis.

但, despite children taking their first steps in this new form of media, there is apprehension from parents as well as a lack of knowledge. 只有十分之一(10%)的父母愿意让孩子在没有监督的情况下通过VR探索虚拟世界. Of those parents whose children already interact with VR, 超过四分之一(26%)的家长承认,他们不知道自己的孩子在这个新的虚拟世界里访问了什么, underlining the need for robust safeguarding to be introduced.

和令人担忧的是, the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s report suggests these parents’ fears aren’t misplaced; even existing VR users say this virtual world currently feels like an “unsafe wild west”[1]; a situation that urgently needs addressing. So, how can we make the metaverse a safe space for the next generation? 通过未来的立法来保护所有用户的自由、权利和隐私.

凯瑟琳·艾伦, 新萄新京十大正规网站新报告的合著者, Member of the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s Digital Policy Panel, 虚拟现实咨询公司Limina Immersive的首席执行官表示:“通过我们的研究,我们估计下一代人将在虚拟现实中度过大约十年的时间. 这个数字本身就说明了这项技术将对当今儿童的生活产生的影响.

“沉浸式技术具有无限的潜力和无限的机会,但也伴随着风险和威胁. It’s integral that the safety, privacy, and rights of end users are protected.

“今天, 英国有一个绝好的机会,可以利用其民主进程来塑造下一种主要媒体形式的未来:沉浸式技术和虚拟世界. Not only will this help protect adults and children from future harms in years to come, but it will also bring about wider societal rewards. People must feel safe in digital spaces in order to really harness the potential.”

儿童安全倡导者和新萄新京十大正规网站荣誉新萄新京十大正规网站支持新萄新京十大正规网站向政府发出的呼吁,并为引入关于虚拟世界的新立法而开展活动, Carol Vorderman M.A.MBE(剑桥大学).

卡罗尔说:“我们正在接近一场戏剧性变革的开端,这场变革将影响全世界人民的生活, 就像我们20年前对当时的互联网新技术和网络安全问题所做的一样.

“当时,我与其他活动人士和内政大臣大卫·布伦基特(David Blunkett)一起努力,将在线美容定为非法行为. With the new digital universe approaching fast, 我相信它与年轻人生活的融合将是巨大的,并带来有关性骚扰和性虐待的新问题.

“Young people should be able to use these new 创新s safely, 他们的父母或照顾者也必须有信心让他们充分利用这项令人难以置信的技术.

“Whilst I hugely welcome the Online Safety Bill and support Secretary of State Nadine Dorries, I believe it must go further to futureproof technologies of tomorrow. By ensuring the metaverse is explicitly included, 希望在最后的比尔, 如果不通过二级立法的话, the UK government will be able to take a position of leadership in this important space, protecting children and allowing them to learn, socialise and – eventually – even work safely in this exciting new frontier of the digital world.”

Verity McIntosh, Senior Lecturer in Virtual & Extended Realities at 西英格兰大学 Bristol, and co-author alongside Catherine of the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s new report adds:

“The ‘metaverse’ offers enormous potential for creativity, commerce and community. 然而, as 技术 continues to outpace legislation, it is imperative that we learn the lessons of 20th Century media and the early internet."

“本报告旨在支持建立适当的治理和监管体系, including a fit-for-purpose Online Safety Bill, that will empower users and ensure that human rights are protected, 到处都是.”


  1. Futureproofing the Online Safety Bill - Whilst the Online Safety Bill does apply to immersive technologies and the metaverse, it needs some adaptations to make it properly fit for purpose, 而不是事后才想到的. The bill is currently focussed on content that is published rather than activity that happens. In the metaverse, activity happens in real time. The bill must be adapted to work well in these live, active contexts that are more akin to real life events.
  2. Encouraging a positive, 健康y metaverse culture – In the case of the metaverse and immersive technologies, user-driven safety features aimed at addressing harassment and abuse are not enough. The solutions being offered by 技术 companies for user safety, for instance the block and mute feature, are primarily instigated by the victim. By the time a victim has found the block, 静音和报告键, the psychological damage has often already been done. 必须激励科技公司从根本上解决这些骚扰和虐待问题——解决这些空间的文化——而不是把责任推给受害者.
  3. Fast tracking immersive literacy in policy makers, regulators and politicians – A wide range of VR users say the metaverse feels like an unsafe wild west. 这需要解决. 政府, 政治家和政策制定者必须意识到这些沉浸式技术以及这些沉浸式平台上发生的活动. Without this awareness, decisions will either be made in the dark, or not at all. Decision makers must experience VR and spend some time in the metaverse. 新萄新京十大正规网站将提供支持和设备,以支持这种沉浸式读写能力的发展.

Find out more about the metaverse and the report, 凯瑟琳·艾伦合著, Limina Immersive和Verity McIntosh, 西英格兰大学, and how you can support the 新萄新京十大正规网站’s campaign for its inclusion in the Online Safety Bill via the 新萄新京十大正规网站网站.

[1] 新萄新京十大正规网站 ‘保护虚拟世界’ report. 2022年4月19日

[i] 由17位来自产业界和学术界的新媒体和VR专家组成的小组计算得出,平均每天2小时45分钟

Children born today are expected to live for 88.75岁(中位90岁).女孩是2岁,87岁.男孩3岁) http://www.health.org.uk/news-and-comment/news/latest-data-shows-that-a-child-born-in-the-uk-today-will-live-nearly-5-years-less-than-previously-predicted

每天2小时45分钟超过88分钟.75年= 10年.16日历年





Research conducted with 1,000 parents of children aged 5-10 years old by 3Gem in April 2022.



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