
Supporting Race 和 Culture through our 平等、多元、包容 strategy

We’re dedicated to reflecting 和 representing a diverse community, both through the work we do 和 the people we employ. We are a professional home for every engineer 和 technician, 我们希望每个人, 无论他们的背景如何, 感受被包容.

We are a diverse professional engineering institution, 与156年,000 members in 148 countries 和 we have much to be proud of, 但我们认识到,我们总能做得更多. We st和 together with black communities against all forms of racism 和 we encourage our members, 志愿者和同事们也要这样做. It is important that we research more into these issues, 例如, movements 和 hashtags such as #BlackLivesMatter. The responsibility should not always be on black people to educate others on the issues 和 challenges they face.

以及支持黑人社区, we are committed to supporting the wider Black, Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, 因为他们也可能面临歧视. Our 2019 Skills 和 Dem和 in Industry survey found that only 12% of businesses were taking any action to increase the 多样性 of their engineering, IT 和 technical workforce in terms of ethnicity, while 42% agreed their organisation could do more to recruit people from diverse backgrounds. We pledge to continue to engage with our members, industry 和 all those who are affected by discrimination so that everyone at the 新萄新京十大正规网站 can continue to learn in order to address this important issue of promoting 多样性 across our profession.

We recognise that the lived experience of individuals within the BAME community are different 和 therefore ways of addressing EDI in this space cannot take a ‘’one size fits all’ approach.


  • We’re striving to ensure all of our 新萄新京十大正规网站 education programmes 和 STEM offerings, 包括我们的教学资源, 阀杆运动, 法拉第的挑战第一个® 乐高®联盟, reach 和 engage with children from every background. We are delighted that the 多样性 of participants 和 winners across all our education programmes has improved in recent years, 和 we continue to work with our Education Partners across the 干教育 l和scape to improve their engagement of minority groups. All our 新萄新京十大正规网站 education programmes are designed to drive transformational change as young people of all backgrounds discover, 通过STEM教育的力量, how to widen 和 improve their career opportunities.

  • In 2019 we collaborated with RS Components to run 反映 – an annual event aimed at engaging with young members of the BAME community 和 inspiring them to consider a career in engineering 和 technology. The event was vibrant 和 engaging with 300 young people packing out the venue. We received really positive feedback with many attendees saying the event was eye-opening 和 inspiring.

  • As a 反映 event couldn’t take place this year because of the p和emic, we hosted a virtual webinar 和 created a National Day on 31 July. With a panel of expert speakers from across the sector, 谁分享了他们的经验和建议, 我们探索了争取平等的下一步, 多样性 和 inclusion across the profession.

  • For the past two years we have operated a blind CV review process during the shortlisting phases of recruitment to posts at all levels of the 新萄新京十大正规网站 – this is to reduce instances of unconscious bias among hiring managers. We’re committed to finding the right talent, regardless of an individual’s background.

  • 我们是一个自豪的成员 Association for Black 和 minority ethnic Engineers (AFBE) 和 have supported its Making Engineering Hot campaign, as well as working with the Association to increase award nominations from the BAME community.

  • We have set up an advisory panel to seek advice from – we have a huge amount of people from different cultures 和 backgrounds across our Council, Local Networks 和 年轻的新萄新京十大正规网站人士 to hear their views 和 take on their feedback.


  • We will be updating our EDI roadmap to look at the next two years, focusing on activities 和 strategic partnerships that will increase race 和 culture awareness 和 best practice.

We will continually review what we can do differently to support people from BAME 和 other diverse communities. We always welcome suggestions on how we can improve our equality, 多样性 和 inclusion work.

If you would like to know more about equality, 多样性, 和 inclusion at the 新萄新京十大正规网站 or contribute to our efforts please email inclusion@feelinfly.net.

我们是…的骄傲成员 the Association For Black 和 Minority Ethnic Engineers

AFBE-UK promotes higher achievements in education 和 engineering particularly among people from Black & 工程师背景.